Online Supported Systems
This page outlines the browser, OS, and dimension requirements for Beast Academy Online.
Browser Requirements
Recommended BrowsersVersion Requirements
Google ChromeMost recent version
Mozilla FirefoxMost recent version
Apple SafariMost recent version
Microsoft EdgeMost recent version
Operating System Requirements
Recommended OSsVersion Requirements
WindowsRelatively recent versions
Mac OSRelatively recent versions
iOSRelatively recent versions
Chrome OSRelatively recent versions
AndroidRelatively recent versions
Note that other operating systems like Linux and similar open source OSs may work with BA Online, but are not supported.
Device Dimension Requirements

Student pages on BA Online require a resolution of at least 800px × 600px. Almost all desktops, laptops, and tablets meet those dimension requirements, but most phones do not.

School staff pages (reporting & account management) require a resolution of at least 1024px × 768px. Phones and small tablets may not meet those dimension requirements.

Beast Academy Online does not support teacher and administrator pages on iPads or Android tablets.

Parent pages require a resolution of at least 320px × 568px. Almost all desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones meet those dimension requirements.

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