Level 1 Math Books

Level 1 has four units: A, B, C and D. Topics build upon each other from unit to unit.
We recommend taking the Level 1A Placement Test to determine if your student is ready to take Beast Academy Level 1.
Solutions to the placement test are found at the end of the test. Your student may also take the Level 1B, 1C, or 1D placement tests to determine readiness per unit.
I'm pretty sure they are the most engaging math books I've ever encountered, and they pull this off without watering down the content at all (quite the contrary, in fact).
Jessie Mathisen, Elementary School Teacher
Need help determining the right level for your student or finding a book? Want to know more about how Beast Academy differs from other curricula? Have your student take a Placement Test or visit our FAQs page for answers to popular questions.